Review Tab in Excel
Review Tab in Excel
The Review Tab contains tools mainly for spell checking, thesaurus, sharing, protecting, and tracking changes in Excel Worksheets. The "Review" tab in Excel provides tools and features that are specifically designed for reviewing and collaborating on spreadsheets. Here are some common features and options you can find in the Review tab:

- Protect :Provides options for protecting your workbook or specific worksheets. You can set passwords to prevent unauthorized access, restrict editing, or protect specific elements like cells or formulas.
- Compare :Allows you to compare two versions of a workbook or different workbooks to identify differences. Excel highlights the changes and provides options for merging or reviewing the differences.
- Protect Sheet: Provides options for protecting specific worksheets in your workbook. You can limit editing, formatting, or other actions for individual sheets.
- Protect Workbook: Offers options for protecting the entire workbook, including its structure and windows. You can prevent users from adding, deleting, or modifying sheets, or from viewing hidden sheets.
- Track Changes :Enables you to track and review changes made by different users to the spreadsheet. You can highlight changes, add comments, and accept or reject changes.
- Proofing: Proofing allows you to run spell checks in excel. In addition to spell checks, one can also use a thesaurus if you find the right word. There is also a research button that helps you navigate the encyclopedia, dictionaries, etc., to perform tasks better.
- Language: You can translate the excelsheet from English to any other language by using this feature.
- Comments: This feature is used to write an additional note for important cells. It helps the user understand clearly the reasons behind your calculations etc.
- Changes: If you want to keep track of the changes made, one can use the Track Changes option. Also, you can protect the worksheet or the workbook using a password from this option.
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