Excel Interview Question
Excel Interview Questions

Excel Interview Questions for Freshers
What is Microsoft Excel ?
It is developed by Microsoft. Excel is an electronic worksheet or spreadsheet application which is used for organizing, storing, manipulating and analyzing data.
What are cells in Excel ?
The area where data is stored on excel sheet is known as cell.
Does each cell have unique address ?
Yes, each cell has a unique address depends on the row and column value of the cell.
What is Ribbon ?
The ribbon specifies an area which runs along the top of the application and contains menu items and toolbars available in Excel. It has various tabs that contain groups of commands which perform various task. You can hide or show ribbon by using Ctrl+F1
We can hide or show the ribbon ?
Yes, we can hide or show (minimize or maximize) the ribbon by pressing Ctrl+F1.
How to prevent someone from copying the cell from your worksheet ?
Steps to prevent copying cell are; go into Menu bar > Review > Protect sheet > Password. By entering password you can prevent your worksheet from getting copied.
How to sum up the rows and column number quickly in the Excel sheet ?
Useing SUM function or select row and column and press auto sum command.
How can you add cells, rows or columns in Excel ?
To add new row or column right click on cell, one menu will open then choose desigre option.
How to resize the column ?
To change the width of one column, drag the boundary on the right side of the column until you find your desirable width.
What are the several report formats in Excel ?
There are three report formats in Excel, they are;
- Compact
- Report
- Tabular
Is it possible to make Pivot table using multiple sources of data ?
Yes, If the multiple sources are different worksheets from the same workbook, then you can use these multiple sources of data to make Pivot table.
What is the use of comment ?
Comments are used to clarify the purpose of the cells, to clarify a formula used in the cell, to leave notes for others users about a cell.
How to add comments to a cell ?
To add a comment: Right click the cell and choose insert comment from the cell menu. Type your comment.
What is Freeze Panes in MS-Excel ?
Freeze Panes are used to lock any row or column. Locked row or column will be visible on the screen even after we scroll the sheet vertically or horizontally.
How to protection Excel Worksheet ?
Protect your worksheet using password.
Explain few useful functions in Excel
Following functions are frequently used in excel are given below;
- Math Functions: SQRT, RAND(), DEGREE etc
- Logical Functions: IF, AND, TRUE, FALSE
- Index Match: VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH
- Date and Time Functions: NOW(), DATEVALUE()
Explain report formats in Excel
There are three types of report formats in Excel, they are given below;
- Compact
- Report
- Tabular
Explain Uses IF function in Excel
IF function in excel are used for check certain condition, if condition is true it will return output otherwise it gives different result.
Give order of sequence of operating mathematical operation in Excel
Excel follow BEDMAS rule for operation mathematical operation.
- Brackets
- Exponents
- Division
- Multiplication
- Addition
- Subtraction
Give Numbers of Rows and Columns in MS-Excel 2003 and Later Versions
Excel Versions | Rows | Columns | Total Cells |
MS Excel 2003 | 65536 | 256 | 16777216 |
MS Excel 2007 | 1048576 | 16384 | 17179869184 |
MS Excel 2010 | 1048576 | 16384 | 17179869184 |
MS Excel 2013 | 1048576 | 16384 | 17179869184 |
MS Excel 2016 | 1048576 | 16384 | 17179869184 |
How can you resize the column?
There are two ways to resize a column:
- To change the width of one column, drag the boundary on the right side of the column until you find your desirable width.
- Select the Format from the home tab, and in Format, select the AUTOFIT COLUMN WIDTH under cell section. Click on this to change the cell size.
What are the several report formats in Excel?
There are three report formats in Excel: Compact, Report and Tabular
Is it possible to make Pivot table using multiple sources of data?
If the multiple sources are different worksheets from the same workbook, then you can use these multiple sources of data to make Pivot table.
How can you check whether the Pivot table is modified or not?
To check whether the Pivot table is modified or not, you should use the "PivotTableUpdate" in worksheet containing the pivot table.
What is the order of sequence of operating mathematical operation in Excel?
The order of sequence is written as BEDMAS:
- Brackets
- Exponents
- Division
- Multiplication
- Addition
- Subtraction
What is the use of LOOK UP function in MS Excel?
The LOOK UP function is used to return a value from an array.
What is a Macro in Excel? How to create an Excel Macro?
Excel Macro is the set of instructions that is recorded by users for repetition purposes. It is created by the users for repetitive instructions and functions they perform on a regular basis.
How does the IF() function in Excel work?
In Excel, the IF() function performs a logical test. It returns a value if the test evaluates to true and another value if the test result is false. It returns the value depending on whether the condition is valid for the entire selected range.
How do we use the SUMIF() function in Excel?
The SUMIF() function adds the cell values specified by a given condition or criteria.
What is a Pivot Table?
A pivot table is like a summary table of the dataset that enables you to create reports and analyze trends. They are useful when you have long rows or columns that hold values you need to track. To create a pivot table, first, go to the Insert tab and select the ‘PivotTable’ option.
What are the different data formats in Excel?
The following formats are available in Excel:
- Text Format: This can include text as well as alphanumeric strings (such as ABC123). A text string can also include punctuation and symbols.
- Number Format: There are different formats even within numbers. For example you can have decimals, fractions, have thousand separators, etc. No matter what format has been applied, you can use numbers in calculations such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
- Date Format: The most important thing to know about dates is that these are stored as numbers in the Excel. However, you can format it to be shown as dates. For example, 01-01-2019 would be saved as 43466 in Excel, which is the number for the given date. In Excel, you can show dates in different formats such as long date (01 January 2019), short date (01-01-2019), etc.
- Accounting / Currency Format: When you apply the accounting / currency format to a number, Excel adds the currency symbol along with two decimal places.
- Percentage Format: You can format numbers to be shown as percentage. For example, you can make 0.1 to show up as 10% when you apply the percentage format to it.
What do you mean by cell address ?
The cell address of an Excel sheet is the address obtained by combining the row-number and the column-alphabet. A different cell address is given for every cell in an MS Excel sheet.
What is spreadsheet ?
Spreadsheets are cell compositions that assist you in data management. There may be more than one worksheet in one workbook. You can see all the sheets and the names you gave them at the bottom of the window. Look at the following picture:
Can you protect workbook in Excel ?
Yes, you can safeguard workbooks. For this, Excel offers three options:
- You can access workbooks with passwords.
- You may prevent adding, removing, hiding, or unhiding sheets.
- Excel offers a defense against changing window sizes or positions.
>How Do I Show The Home Tab In Excel?
Usually, the home tab is already open in the device and you can open it via keyboard by clicking Alt+H otherwise by clicking on the home tab on the mouse.What Are The Uses Of The Clipboard Group In The Home Tab?
The Cut and Copy command where it stores that place is known as Clipboard. In this clipboard, 24 texts cut or copied are automatically stored temporarily, but if you shut down the computer then delete all data from the clipboard.