About Sitesbay

The Sitesbay is an completely FREE website which has been created to provide simple and easy online education to the student who are interested to study different Technology related to computer science also for learn how to earn online money. This site is useful for all beginners who have not more knowledge about programming language. Our main focus to improve all student knowledge about internet based job. We Also Provide Video Tutorial in Hindi on Your Official Youtube Channel Sitesbay Academy related to Excel, SEO, Youtube Channel idea, and Computer Programming Language.
xThe Sitesbay is aiming to provide the best tutorials on all programming language as well as all new recent use blog, website and technology.
We are putting our best effort to make Sitesbay a worth for every single moment you spend on the website. If you think it is worth to visit this website, kindly share it with your friends and colleagues.
About Owner of Sitesbay
This website is design and managed by Hitesh Pandit. He is a Young Indian blogger, Web Developer, Online Earning expert, SEO expert, web Developer and Java Developer. He is started his career as a blogger in 2013 and now he have 5 websites and more than 10 blogs. Hitesh Pandit currently working at National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) as a programmer. My Contact Mail-Id hitesh.xc@gmail.com.

New Delhi, Aug 2018

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