Home Tab in Excel
Home Tab in Excel
Home menu is the second menu in the Excel menu bar. There are seven types of sub-menus in the Microsoft Excel home tab such as Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, and Editing. The Home ribbon items include options for formatting font, color, conditional formatting, filter, number type, and more. All these functions help one in performing various effective calculations.
The Home tab is one of the main tabs in the Excel ribbon and is the default tab when you open a new workbook. It contains a variety of essential commands and functions for working with data in Excel. Here are some common features and options you can find in the Home tab

This is one that you will get to see everywhere like ms excel, ms word, ms PowerPoint. There are many sub-menu inside it like Clipboard, font, alignment, style, number, cell, editing. You can also open it by clicking Alt+H on the keyboard.
ClipBoard Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
The Cut and Copy command where it stores that place is known as Clipboard. In this clipboard, 24 texts cut or copied are automatically stored temporarily, but if you shut down the computer then delete all data from the clipboard. There are four parts in the clipboard such as Cut, Copy, Paste, and Format Painter.
- Cut- Cut (Ctrl+X) does not mean delete, it means to remove it from some place and take it to some other place. If you want to cut something, then first you select the same thing, then by clicking on cut, it will be cut.
- Copy- Copy (Ctrl+C) Means Even after being awake, take it to some other place and add it. If you want to copy something, then first you select the same thing, then by clicking on copy it will be added other place.
- Paste- (Ctrl+V) Pastes means any cut or copied data and add it somewhere else. There are various type of function in Paste option such as formulas, paste value, no borders, transpose, paste link, paste special, paste as hyperlink and as picture.
- Format Painter- Pastes means any cut or copied data and add it somewhere else. There are various type of function in Paste option such as formulas, paste value, no borders, transpose, paste link, paste special, paste as hyperlink and as picture.
Font Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
You can give much design to the text by the font, you can adjust the text like bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, etc. There are many parts in the font submenu such as Font, Font Size, increase font size, Decrease Font Size, Bottom Border, Bold, Italic, Underline, Fill Color, and Font Color.
- Font Size- In this font size option we can adjust text size according us. Select the text that you want to adjust and go to the font size and size it accordingly.
- Increase Font Size- We can increase text size by this increase font size option.
- Decrease Font Size- We can decrease text size by this decrease font size option.
- Bold- (Ctrl+B) You can use this command to bold your selected text.
- Italic- (Ctrl+I) You can use this command to italic your selected text.
- Underline– (Ctrl+U) With the help of these options, your selected text will be underlined.
- Bottom Border– By selecting the cell using this command, you can give the border according to you.
- Fill Color- By selecting any cell and clicking on fill color command, the background of the selected cell will be changed color.
- Font Color- Selecting any text and clicking on the font color command, the selected text will change to color.
Alignment Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
Alignment means, by selecting the given text inside any cell, you can place the same text on any space in the same cell according to you. (Whether it is in the Centre/ Left/ Right/ Top/ Bottom). There are many types of alignment, let’s know.
- Top Align - Here you will place the selected text on top of the cell.
- Middle Align - Middle alignment is used to place the selected text on canter of the cell.
- Bottom Align - This will help to place the selected text on bottom of the cell.
- Align Text Right- Align text right is used for moving selected text on left side of the cell.
- Align Text Left- Align text left is used for moving selected text on right side of the cell.
- Orientation- Orientation is a process which you can use to design text many types. We can change six types of orientation such as Angel Counter clockwise, Angel clockwise, Vertical text, Rotate text up, Rotate text down, Format cell alignment.
- Decrease Indent-(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab) With the help of this command we can decrease the margin between the border and the text in the cell.
- Increase Indent- (Ctrl+Alt+Tab) With the help of this command we can increase the margin between the border and the text in the cell.
- Wrap Text- If you take some text on a cell and all that text is not visible, then with the help of this command, you can make all the text visible.
- Merge & Center- By using this command, you can convert many cell in one cell.
Number Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
The function of the number sub-menu is how to add value to a cell, like a percentage, time, date, currency, etc. There are many types in number format. Such as
- Accounting Number Format- Choose an alternative currency format for the selected cell.
- Percentage Style- (Ctrl+Shift+%) Using this command, if you have selected a cell, the percentage of the value given inside it helps to find out.
- Comma Style- If you write a big number and then click on the comma, then the comma will be used at the right place according to the number.
- Increase Decimal- When you divide something and it is showing something longer in the point ahead, then you can set it there.
- Decrease Decimal- Show less precise values by showing fewer decimal places.
Styles Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
- Condition formatting- Condition formatting means formatting on condition basic. If we color any text, then you will not have to do everything manually, with the help of this command you can get it done according to the condition. There are many types such as Highlight cells rules, top/bottom rules, data bars, color scales, icon sets.
- Format As Table- With the help of format table, you can give different design and color to the table. First you will select a table and then click on format as table command, on clicking, a table of many designs will come, you can add whatever you like from it.
- Cell Style- You can give different styles to the cells with the help of cell styles option. The same menu also has number formatting at the bottom.
Cells Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
- Insert- This command is use to insert cell, rows, or columns into the sheet or table, or to add a sheet to the workbook. These are also many types such as insert cells, insert sheet rows, insert sheet columns, insert sheet.
- Delete- Using this command, you can delete any cell or change its position. There are four option in delete command such as Delete cell, delete sheet rows, delete sheet columns, delete sheet.
- Format- With the help of this option, you can increase or decrease the size of any cell and row or you can hide and unhide also. In this option also have many types such as Cell size, visibility, organize sheets and protection.
Editing Group In Microsoft Excel Home Tab
The editing menu in MS Excel is also considered special. This menu has many options such as Auto sum, fill, clear, sort & filter, find & select.
- Auto Sum- (Alt+=) This command helps in calculating, like sum, average, count number, max, min and more function.
- Fill- It does the work of pasting the basically formula and also the work of pasting the value. It also use in different types like down, right, up, left, series and justify.
- Clear- If you want to clear some data, you can clear help of this option. You can use it in many types like clear all, clear formats, clear contents, clear comments.
- Short & Filter- You can short all the selected text in ascending or descending order. You can temporarily filter out specific value. You can arrange it many types like sort A to Z, sort Z to A, custom sort, filter, clear and reapply.
- Find & select- Find and select specific text, formatting, or type of information within the workbook. You can also replace the information with new text or formatting. Here you can also find, replace, go to, go to special, formulas comment, conditional formatting, constants, data validation, select object and selection pane.