How Much YouTube Pay Per 1000 Views


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How Much Does YouTube Pay Per 1000 Views

According to my knowledge and experience Google Adsense give you $1 per 1000 YouTube video views but earning is depend upon many factors some important factors are given below;

  • Adsense Account
  • Incoming Traffic
  • Keywords
  • Videos Title and Description
how much does youtube pay per 1000 views

Adsense Account

If your Adsense Account have low CPC in this case you get very low earning per 1000 (less than $1 ). Generally Adsense Account CPC get high after 200 clicks on High CPC Ads.

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How Much Does YouTube Pay Per 1000 Views

Incoming Traffic

If your video have traffic from USA, UK Cananda you get $1 to $10 per 1000 views and if your traffic from India and other low labor cost country in this case you get $1 per 1000 views.


This is most important and main factor which affect your earning, only high CPC keyword video give you more earning, the main reason behind this; if your video have high cpc keyword then Adsense show high CPC ads on your video. Some high CPC keywords are; Education, Loan, Law, Insurance etc.

Videos Title and Description

Always use high CPC keywords in your video title, description and tag. These types of keywords gives you high earning.

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