Cold Desert


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Coldest Deserts in The World

The cold deserts are mostly found in temperate regions at higher latitudes, e.g. Arctic, the Antarctic and Greenland including the areas above the tree lines of mountain ranges. They have mildly hot summers and extremely cold winters. They generally experience low temperature and long winters. The average temperature ranges from - 2 to 4 degree Celsius in winter and 21 to 26 degree Celsius in summer.

coldest destert in the world

Which is the coldest desert of the world?

The coldest desert of the world is Antarctica. Also, it is colder than the other polar desert of the planet, for example, the Arctic.

DesertArea (in Sq. km)*Located in
Antarctica 14,000,000 Antarctica
Arctic Desert N/A Arctic
Greenland 2,166,086 Greenland
Russian Arctic N/A Russia
Gobi Desert 1,300,000 China & Mongolia (Asia)
Patagonian Desert 670,000 South America
Karakum Desert 350,000 Turkmenistan
Taklamakan Desert 337,000 China

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