Sort an Array Elements in Descending Order in C++
Sort an Array Elements in Ascending Order in C++
Sort an array elements means arrange elements of array in Ascending Order and Descending Order. You can easily sort all elements using bubble sort.
C++ Program to Sort Elements of Array in Ascending Order
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,a[10],temp,j; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any 10 num in array: \n"; for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\nData before sorting: "; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { cout<<a[j]; } for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { for(j=0;j<=10-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp; } } } cout<<"\nData after sorting: "; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { cout<<a[j]; } getch(); }
Enter any 10 num in array: 2 5 1 7 5 3 8 9 11 4 Data After Sorting: 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11
C++ Program to Sort an Array Elements in Descending Order.
For Sort Elements of Array in Descending Order we print all Elements of array from last index to first. For example arr[10], arr[9], arr[8],....arr[0]
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,a[10],temp,j; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any 10 num in array : \n"; for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\n\nData before sorting: "; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { cout<<a[j]; } for(i=0;i<=10;i++) { for(j=0;j<=10-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp; } } } cout<<"\nData after sorting: "; for(j=9;j>=0 ;j--) { cout<<a[j]; } getch(); }
Enter any 10 num in array: 2 5 1 7 5 3 8 9 11 4 Data After Sorting: 11 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1
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