Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal Program in C++
C++ program to Convert Decimal Number to Hexadecimal
In this code we takes a decimal number and converts it into its hexadecimal equivalent. Decimal number have base 10 and Hexadecimal number have base 16. Hexadecimal numbers uses 16 values to represent a number. Numbers from 0-9 are expressed by digits 0-9 and 10-15 are represented by characters from A - F.
Steps to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
- A decimal number is entered
- Using a while loop, the number is divided by 16 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the remainders are stored
- The result is printed in reverse order
- Exit
Input Decimal Number : 143 Euivalent Hexadecimal Number : 8F Input Decimal Number : 63 Euivalent Hexadecimal Number : 3F Input Decimal Number : 123 Euivalent Hexadecimal Number : 7B
c++ program to convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int num,rem[20],hex=0,i=0,j; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any Decimal Number: "; cin>>num; while(num>0) { rem[i] = num % 16; num = num / 16; i++; } cout<<"Equivalent Hexadecimal Number: "; for(j = i - 1 ; j > = 0 ; j--) { switch(rem[j]) { case 10: cout<<"A"; break; case 11: cout<<"B"; break; case 12: cout<<"C"; break; case 13: cout<<"D"; break; case 14: cout<<"E"; break; case 15: cout<<"F"; break; default : cout<<rem[j]; } } getch(); }
Enter any Decimal Number : 83 Equivalent Hexadecimal number : 53
Enter any Decimal Number : 125 Equivalent Hexadecimal number : 7D
Enter any Decimal Number : 205 Equivalent Hexadecimal number : CD

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