Convert Octal to Binary Program in C++
C++ program to Convert Octal to Binary
To convert Octal number to Binary number in C++ programming, We have to ask to the user to enter the Octal number to convert it into Binary number to display the equivalent value in Binary format on screen.In a computer system, the binary number is expressed in the binary numeral system while the octal number is in the octal numeral system. The binary number is in base 2 while the octal number is in base 8.
Input Octal Number : 14 Euivalent Binary Number : 1100 Input Octal Number : 7 Euivalent Binary Number : 111 Input Octal Number : 10 Euivalent Binary Number : 1000
C++ program to convert Octal to Binary
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); long int i=0; char octnum[1000]; cout<<"Enter any Octal Number: "; cin>>octnum; cout<<"Equivalent Binary Value: "; while(octnum[i]) { switch(octnum[i]) { case '0' : cout<<"000"; break; case '1' : cout<<"001"; break; case '2' : cout<<"010"; break; case '3' : cout<<"011"; break; case '4' : cout<<"100"; break; case '5' : cout<<"101"; break; case '6' : cout<<"110"; break; case '7' : cout<<"111"; break; default : cout<<"\nInvalid Octal Digit "<<octnum[i]; break; } i++; } getch(); }
Enter any Octal Number: 15 Equivalent Binary Value is: 1101

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