Palindrome Number Program in C++
C++ program to Check Number is Palindrome or not
A Palindrome number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Like 16461, for example: we take 121 and reverse it, after revers it is same as original.
To understand below example, you have must knowledge of following C++ programming topics; For Loop in C++ and Reverse Number Program in C++.

Steps to write program
- Get the value from user.
- Reverse it.
- Compare it with the number entered by the user.
- If both are same then print palindrome
- Else print not a palindrome.
Palindrome Number Program in C++ using while loop
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,no,b,temp=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any num: "; cin>>no; b=no; while(no>0) { a=no%10; no=no/10; temp=temp*10+a; } if(temp==b) { cout<<"Palindrome"; } else { cout<<"Not Palindrome"; } getch(); }
Enter any num: 143 Not Palindrome

Enter any num: 141 Palindrome

Palindrome Number Program in C++ using for loop
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,no,b,temp=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter any num: "; cin>>no; b=no; for(;no>0;) { a=no%10; no=no/10; temp=temp*10+a; } if(temp==b) { cout<<"Palindrome"; } else { cout<<"not Palindrome"; } getch(); }
Enter any num: 121 Palindrome
Enter any num: 643 Not Palindrome
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