Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle in C++
C++ Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
To calculate area and perimeter of a square and rectangle we need length and breadth of the rectangle. First we receiver two variable from user using Cin>> function. and print output on screen using cout>> function
To understand below example, you have must knowledge of following C++ programming topics; Cin and Cout Function in C++ Here Cout<< Function in C++ are used for print output on screen and Cin>> function in C++ are used for get input from user.
C++ Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int len, bre, peri, area; cout<<"Enter Length and Breadth of the Rectangle: "; cin>>len>>bre; area=len*bre; peri=(2*len)+(2*bre); cout<<"Area of Rectangle: "<<area<<"\tPerimeter Rectangle: "<<peri; getch(); }
Enter Length and Breadth of the Rectangle: 10 20 Area Rectangle: 200 Perimeter Rectangle: 60

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