Count Frequency of Characters in C++
C++ program to Count Frequency of Characters
Frequency of character in any string means how many times a particular character is present in any string. For example; suppose we have string hitesh in this word h repeated 2 times, it is the frequency of h in string hitesh.
Count Frequency of Characters in C++
#include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,count=0; char ch[20],c; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter Any String: "; gets(ch); cout<<"Enter any Character form string: "; cin>>c; for(i=0;ch[i]!='\0';i++) { if(ch[i]==c) count++; } if(count==0) { cout<<"Given character not found"; } else { cout<<"Repetition of " <<c<<" "<<count<<" times"; } getch(); }
Enter any String: india Enter any Character form string: i Repetition of i 2 times
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