Keyword Research


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Keyword Research for SEO

Keyword Research is the process of find valuable keyword for your website. Suppose you have online shopping website then you need to find cloths related keyword like, leather jacket for men, women winter cloths etc.

If your keyword have 7 or less than 7 digits traffic, that keyword easy get rank on search engine. But if keyword have more than 8 digits traffic in that case it is difficult to get rank on search engine.

For instant result select long tail keyword, generally long tail keyword get fast rank on search engine. For example; long tail keyword is best SEO Tutorial for beginners and in simple way SEO Tutorial.

How to check traffic on keyword ?

There are two way to find traffic on any keyword

  • Direct search keyword on search engine and check traffic.
  • Using Adwords keyword planner.
keyword traffic

Adwords keyword planner

Keyword Planner you can easily find traffic on any keyword, it also give you idea about your keyword have minimum, medium or high traffic. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns. This tool is provided by google and it is free available for every one.

The main benifits of using this tool is, you can search multiple keyword at a time and get trffic on all keyword.

keyword planner adwords keyword search
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