System.out.println() in Java
System.out.println() in Java
In java language print() and println() are the predefined non-static method of printStream class used to display value or message either in the same line or line by line respectively. PrintStream class is having fixed object reference in the System class (existing as a static properties) so that either print() or println() method can be called with following syntax..

System.out.print("--------------"); System.out.println("------------"); /* "out" is Object reference of printStream class existing in system class as a static property. */
class PrintStream { println() //-----------> non-static { ........ } print() //-----------> non-static { ........ ........ } } class System { Static PrintStream out; Static PrintStream err; }
Examples of SOP Statements
System.out.println("Hello"); // ---------> Hello int x=10, y=20; System.out.println("x"); // ---------> x System.out.println(x); // ---------> 10 System.out.println("Hello"+x); // ---------> Hello10 System.out.println(x+y); // ---------> 30 System.out.println(x+y+"Hello"); // ---------> 1020Hello
class Hello { public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Hello word"); } }
Hello Word
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