Naming Conversion of Java
Naming Conversion of Java
Sun micro system was given following conversions by declaring class, variable, method etc. So that it is highly recommended to follow this conversion while writing real time code.
Why Using naming Conversion
Different Java programmers can have different styles and approaches to write program. By using standard Java naming conventions they make their code easier to read for themselves and for other programmers. Readability of Java code is important because it means less time is spent trying to figure out what the code does, and leaving more time to fix or modify it.
1. Every package name should exist a lower case latter.
package student; // creating package import java.lang; // import package
2. First letter of every word of class name or interface name should exists in upper case.
class StudentDetails { ..... ..... } interface FacultyDetail { ..... ..... }
3. Every constant value should exists in upper case latter. It is containing more than one word than it should be separated with underscore (-).
class Student { final String COLLEGE_NAME="abcd"; .... .... }
Note: if any variable is preceded by final keyword is known as constant value.
class Student { Final String Student_name="abcd"; }
While declaring variable name, method, object reference the first letter of first word should be exits in lower case but from the second words onward the first letter should exists in upper case.
class Student { String StudentName="xyz"; void instantStudentDetails(); { .... .... } Student final
CamelCase in java naming conventions

Java follows camelcase syntax for naming the class, interface, method and variable.
According to CamelCase if name is combined with two words, second word will start with uppercase letter always. General Example studentName, customerAccount. In term of java programming e.g. actionPerformed(), firstName, ActionEvent, ActionListener etc.