Why we use Jdbc


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Why Use Jdbc

In earlier days for communicate front end application to database, front-end application used a set of function given by database vendor, to connect with a database.

Below Images shows the components of the JDBC model.

why use jdbc

Even today C and C++ application are connecting with oracle database using a set of function given by oracle corporation in a orcl.h header file.

But problem with the above communication is a front end application become as a database dependent application because every database vendor give its own set of function for communication.

To overcome the database dependent problem ODBC (Open database connectivity) community formed by Microsoft with Simba technologies.

ODBC community has provided ODBC API, to connect with any database in a database independent manner.

Why Odbc not use in Java Application ?

ODBC API is written in C language with pointer but Java application does not contain pointer so internally non pointers java code is converted to C pointers code this conversion is a time-consuming process so the connectivity is very slow.

Java application is platform independent but if it is combined with ODBC then it become platform dependent but this is against of java motto or principal. To solved the above problems, Sum MicroSystem introduced JDBC technology. Jdbc technology makes java applications as platform independent and database independent.

Difference Between ODBC and JDBC

1Odbc is platform dependent and database independent.Jdbc is both platform and database independent.
1Odbc implemented in C language with pointer.Jdbc implemented in java without pointer.

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