Encapsulation Interview Questions in Java
Interview Questions on Encapsulation in Java
Why use Encapsulation ?
Encapsulation in java is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit.
Real life example of Encapsulation ?
Real life example of encapsulation is; capsule is mixed of several medicines.
Advantage of Encapsulation in java ?
- Encapsulated Code is more flexible and easy to change with new requirements.
- Encapsulation in Java makes unit testing easy.
- Encapsulation in Java allows you to control who can access what.
- Encapsulation allows you to change one part of code without affecting other parts of code.
What are the features of encapsulation ?
Combine the data of our application and its manipulation at one place.
What is difference between Encapsulation And Abstraction ?
Abstraction solves the problem at design level while encapsulation solves the problem at implementation level.
Which of the following Java feature promotes access protection or Hiding ?
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Composition
Ans: Encapsulation
What is difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction ?
Abstraction | Encapsulation |
Abstraction solves the problem at design level. | Encapsulation solves the problem at implementation level |
It is used for hiding the unwanted data and giving relevant data. | hiding the code and data into a single unit to protect the data from outside world. |
It focus on what the object does instead of how it does it. | It hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something. |
Outer Look of a Television, like it has a display screen and channel buttons to change channel it explains Abstraction. | but Inner Implementation detail of a Television how CRT and Display Screen are connect with each other using different circuits , it explains Encapsulation. |
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