WhatsApp Marketing Strategy
WhatsApp Marketing Tutorial
WhatsApp is social messaging service acquired by Facebook for $19bn in 2014. It is world's fastest-growing communication app. Using whatsApp you can target million of people on just one click.
Day by day whatsApp improve his features and security, recently whatsApp launch WhatsApp for Business using this business whatsApp you can send away message, getting message etc.

How to get Traffic form WhatsApp
Using WhatsApp Group
To fetch traffic on your website or blog first create group and then post your website link here. There are two option to all members in group first is manual add members and second is share group link, if some one click on this link join group page will open on clicking this link people auto add to your group.
Using WhatsApp Broadcast
Another way to fetch traffic on your website using whatsApp, create broadcast and all selected people to this newly created broadcast. Broadcast is one of the private group where only you can send message to selected people on single click same like group.

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Top WhatsApp Marketing Service Provides
- IT Solution 4 India
- Vepaar
- Omnisend
- WAAM-it
- Twilio
- WebEngage
- NetCore
- Message bird
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