Railway Reservation System Project in C++
Railway Reservation Management System Project in C++

Railway Reservation Management System Project in C++
/************************************************************** PROJECT ON RAILWAYS RESERVATION MADE BY: HITESH KUMAR **************************************************************/ INCLUDED HEADER FILES /**************************************************************/ #include<fstream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CLASS NAME: DATE // DETAILS: IT CONTROLS OVER ALL THE DATE FNS. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class DATE { public : void EXTEND_DATE(int,int,int) ;//declaration of fn void CURRENT_DATE() ; //EXTEND_DATE() & //CURRENT_DATE(). int day, month, year ; } ; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CLASS NAME: TRAIN // DETAILS: IT GIVES TRAIN REPORTS. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class TRAIN { public : void full() ; //declaration of fn full() void background(); //& background() void ADD_TRAIN(char[], char[]) ;//DISPLAY_TRAIN(), void ADDITION() ; //ADD_TRAIN(),ADDITION(), void TRAIN_LIST() ; //TRAIN_LIST(), int FOUND_TRAIN(char[]) ; //& FOUND_TRAIN. char train_no[5], train_name[20] ; } ; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CLASS NAME: TICKET // DETAILS: IT GIVES INFORMATION ABT RESERVING TICKETS. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class TICKET { public : void RESERVATION() ; //declaration of fn void CANCELLATION() ; //RESERVATION(),CANCELLATION(), void WAITING_LIST() ; //WAITING_LIST(),PASS_INFO(), void PASS_INFO() ; //WAITING_REC(),RESERVED_LIST(). void WAITING_REC(char*,int,int,int,int); void RESERVED_LIST(); private : int seat_no, kms ; char name[26], sex, tr_no[5] ; int age, fair ; int dd, mm, yy ; char from[15], to[15] ; } t ; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION NAME: FULL() // CLASS:TRAIN. // DETAILS:IT CHANGES BACKGROUND & TEXT COLOR. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TRAIN::full() { window(1,1,85,25); textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); } void TRAIN::background() { const char o=' ' ; int x=0; for(int m=6;m<75;m++) { delay(x); gotoxy(m,3); cout<<o; gotoxy(m,22); cout<<o<<o; } for(m=4;m<23;m++) { delay(x); gotoxy(6,m); cout<<o<<o; gotoxy(73,m); cout<<o<<o; } for(int w=2;w<=79;w=w+2) { delay(x); gotoxy(w,1); cout<<"ßÜ"; gotoxy(w,25); cout<<"ßÜ"; } for(w=2;w<=24;w=w+1) { delay(x); gotoxy(2,w); cout<<"ßÜ"; gotoxy(78,w); cout<<"ßÜ"; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION NAME: CURRENT_DATE() // CLASS: DATE // DETAILS:IT GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THR CURRENT DATES // AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATION. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void DATE :: CURRENT_DATE() { struct date d; getdate(&d); //inbuild fn getdate(&obj)-gives recent date. day = d.da_day ; //inbuild variable da_day,da_mon,da_year. month = d.da_mon ; year = d.da_year ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION NAME: EXTEND_DATE() // CLASS: DATE // DETAILS: IT GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEW DATES // AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATION. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void DATE :: EXTEND_DATE(int dday, int dmonth, int dyear) { static int m[] = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31} ; dday++ ; if ((dday > m[dmonth-1]) || (dyear%400 != 0 && dmonth ==2 && dday >28)) { dday = 1 ; dmonth++ ; } if (dmonth > 12) { dmonth = 1 ; dyear++ ; } day = dday ; month = dmonth ; year = dyear ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION : ADD_TRAIN() // CLASS: TRAIN // DETAILS: IT COPIES train_no,train_name TO THE FILE // TRAIN.DAT. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TRAIN :: ADD_TRAIN(char tno[5], char tname[20]) { fstream file ; file.open("TRAIN.DAT", ios::app|ios::binary) ; strcpy(train_no,tno) ; strcpy(train_name,tname) ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(TRAIN)) ; file.close() ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: ADDITION() // CLASS: TRAIN // DETAILS: IT CALLS ADD_TRAIN() TO ADD SPECIFIED TRAINS // IN THE FILE. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TRAIN :: ADDITION() { fstream file ; file.open("TRAIN.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; if (!file.fail()) { file.close(); return ;} file.close() ; ADD_TRAIN("2021","RAJDHANI EXPRESS") ; ADD_TRAIN("2023","TAJ EXPRESS") ; ADD_TRAIN("2025","GOMTI EXPRESS") ; ADD_TRAIN("2027","KALKA MAIL") ; ADD_TRAIN("2029","KALINDI EXPRESS") ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: TRAIN_LIST() // CLASS: TRAIN // DETAILS: IT DISPLAYS THE AVAILABLE TRAINS IN THE FILE // TRAIN.DAT //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TRAIN :: TRAIN_LIST() { clrscr() ; fstream file ; file.open("TRAIN.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; gotoxy(30,1) ; cout <<"LIST OF THE TRAINS" ; gotoxy(30,2) ; cout <<"******************" ; gotoxy(2,4) ; cout <<" TRAIN NO. TRAIN NAME" ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout <<"********************************************"; cout <<"*********" ; int row=7 ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TRAIN))) { gotoxy(4,row) ; cout <<train_no ; gotoxy(20,row) ; cout <<train_name ; row++ ; } file.close() ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: FOUND_TRAIN() // CLASS: TRAIN // DETAILS: IT GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPECIFIED TRAINS //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int TRAIN :: FOUND_TRAIN(char tno[5]) { fstream file ; file.open("TRAIN.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; int found=0 ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TRAIN))) { if (!strcmp(tno,train_no)) { found = 1 ; break ; } } file.close() ; return found ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: PASS_INFO() // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPECIFIED // PASSENGER. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET :: PASS_INFO() { clrscr() ; char tno[5] ; TRAIN train ; train.TRAIN_LIST() ;//calling of fn TRAIN_LIST() cout <<"\n\n Enter the train no. " ; cin >>tno ; if (!train.FOUND_TRAIN(tno))//calling of fn FOUND_TRAIN() { cout <<"\n\nTrain no. is invalid" ; getch() ; return ; } clrscr() ; int d1,m1,y1, d2,m2,y2, d3,m3,y3, d4,m4,y4 ; int d,m,y ; DATE dt ; dt.CURRENT_DATE() ; //calling of fn CURRENT_DATE() d1 = dt.day ; m1 = dt.month ; y1 = dt.year ; cout <<"1: " <<d1 <<"/" <<m1 <<"/" <<y1 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d1,m1,y1) ;//calling of fn EXTEND_DATE() d2 = dt.day ; m2 = dt.month ; y2 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t2: " <<d2 <<"/" <<m2 <<"/" <<y2 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d2,m2,y2) ; d3 = dt.day ; m3 = dt.month ; y3 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t3: " <<d3 <<"/" <<m3 <<"/" <<y3 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d3,m3,y3) ; d4 = dt.day ; m4 = dt.month ; y4 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t4: " <<d4 <<"/" <<m4 <<"/" <<y4 ; int sno=0 ; cout <<"\n\nEnter sno. of the date for Passenger Information - " ; cin >>sno ; if (sno < 1 || sno > 4) { cout <<"\n\nInvalid data" ; getch() ; return ; } switch(sno) { case 1 : d = d1 ; m = m1 ; y = y1 ; break ; case 2 : d = d2 ; m = m2 ; y = y2 ; break ; case 3 : d = d3 ; m = m3 ; y = y3 ; break ; case 4 : d = d4 ; m = m4 ; y = y4 ; break ; default : break ; } int seatno=0, found=0 ; cout <<"\n\n Enter SEAT No. of the Ticket : " ; cin >>seatno ; fstream file ; file.open("TICKET.DAT", ios::in,ios::binary) ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) { if ((dd == d && mm == m && yy == y) && !strcmp(tr_no,tno) && seatno == seat_no) { found = 1 ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,5) ; cout <<"***************************" <<"*********************************" <<"************" ; gotoxy(32,7) ; cout <<"NORTHERN RAILWAY" ; gotoxy(10,9) ; cout <<"SEAT NO. " <<seat_no <<"\t\t\t\tDate : " <<dd <<"/" <<mm <<"/" <<yy ; gotoxy(10,10) ; cout <<"Train no. : " <<tr_no ; gotoxy(35,12) ; cout <<"From : " <<from <<"\tTo : " <<to ; gotoxy(35,13) ; cout <<"Kms. " <<kms ; gotoxy(10,15) ; cout <<"Passenger name : " <<name ; gotoxy(10,16) ; cout <<"Passenger age : " <<age <<"\t\tSex : " <<sex ; gotoxy(10,18) ; cout <<"Total Fair : " <<fair ; gotoxy(5,20) ; cout <<"************************************************************************" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; break ; } } file.close() ; if (!found) { cout <<"\n\n Ticket not found" ; getch() ; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: RESERVATION() // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT RESERVES TICKETS FOR PASSENGER AS SPECIFIED. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET :: RESERVATION() { static int seatno[6][6]; int n,trainno; clrscr() ; char tno[7] ; TRAIN train ; train.TRAIN_LIST() ; //calling of fn TRAIN_LIST() cout <<"\n\n Enter the train no. " ; cin >>tno ; if (!train.FOUND_TRAIN(tno))//calling of fn FOUND_TRAIN() { cout <<"\n\nTrain no. is invalid" ; getch() ; return ; } clrscr() ; int d1,m1,y1, d2,m2,y2, d3,m3,y3, d4,m4,y4 ; int d,m,y ; DATE dt ; char ans; cout <<"You can reserve ticket only for 3 days, following the current date.\n\n" ; dt.CURRENT_DATE() ;//calling of fn CURRENT_DATE() d1 = dt.day ; m1 = dt.month ; y1 = dt.year ; cout <<"1: " <<d1 <<"/" <<m1 <<"/" <<y1 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d1,m1,y1) ;//calling of fn EXTEND_DATE() d2 = dt.day ; m2 = dt.month ; y2 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t2: " <<d2 <<"/" <<m2 <<"/" <<y2 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d2,m2,y2) ; d3 = dt.day ; m3 = dt.month ; y3 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t3: " <<d3 <<"/" <<m3 <<"/" <<y3 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d3,m3,y3) ; d4 = dt.day ; m4 = dt.month ; y4 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t4: " <<d4 <<"/" <<m4 <<"/" <<y4 ; int sno=0 ; cout <<"\n\nEnter sno. of the date for Reservation - " ; cin >>sno ; if (sno < 1 || sno > 4) { cout <<"\n\nInvalid data" ; getch() ; return ; } switch(sno) { case 1 : d = d1 ; m = m1 ; y = y1 ; break ; case 2 : d = d2 ; m = m2 ; y = y2 ; break ; case 3 : d = d3 ; m = m3 ; y = y3 ; break ; case 4 : d = d4 ; m = m4 ; y = y4 ; break ; default : break ; } fstream file ; char pname[26], psex, pfrom[15], pto[15], ch ; int pkms, page, pfair ; clrscr() ; cout <<"\n\n Enter name of passenger : " ; gets(pname) ; cout <<"\n Enter age : " ; cin >>page ; if (page <= 5) { cout <<"\n No ticket is required upto age of 5" ; getch() ; return ; } do { cout <<"\n Enter sex (M/F) : " ; cin >>psex ; } while (toupper(psex) != 'M' && toupper(psex) != 'F'); int x=0; if( strcmp(tno,"2021")==0) { trainno=1; cout<<" DELHI-MUMBAI EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO MUMBAI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO JAIPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO GWALIOR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: char ch1; ++seatno[sno][trainno]; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 10000" ; pkms=10000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"mumbai"); if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch1=='n') { break; } } break; case 2: char ch2; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 3528" ; pkms=3528; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"jaipur"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch2=='n') { break; } } break; case 3: char ch3; cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 5967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"gwalior"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch3=='n') { break; } } break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2023")==0) { trainno=2; cout<<"\t DELHI-ASSAM EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO DISPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO KANPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO JALPAIGUDI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: char ch1; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 16000" ; pkms=16000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"dispur"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch1=='n') { break; } } break; case 2: char ch2; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 4566" ; pkms=4566; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"kanpur"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch2=='n') { break; } } break; case 3: char ch3; cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 8967" ; pkms=8967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"jalpaigudi"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch3=='n') { break; } } break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2025")==0) { trainno=3; cout<<"\t DELHI-CHENNAI EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO CHENNAI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO BHOPAL"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO HYDERABAD"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: char ch1; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 12000" ; pkms=12000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"chennai"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch1=='n') { break; } } break; case 2: char ch2; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 6588" ; pkms=6588; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"bhopal"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch2=='n') { break; } } break; case 3: char ch3; cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 8967" ; pkms=8967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"hyderabad"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch3=='n') { break; } } break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2027")==0) { trainno=4; cout<<"\t DELHI-KERALA EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO TRIVANDRUM"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO NAGPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO BHOPAL"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: char ch1; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 20000" ; pkms=20000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"trivandrum"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch1=='n') { break; } } break; case 2: char ch2; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 6789" ; pkms=6789; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"nagpur"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch2=='n') { break; } } break; case 3: char ch3; cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 5967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"bhopal"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch3=='n') { break; } } break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2029")==0) { trainno=5; cout<<"\t DELHI-JAMMU EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO SRINAGAR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO CHANDIGARH"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO SHIMLA"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: char ch1; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 5890" ; pkms=10000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"srinagar"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch1; if(ch1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch1=='n') { break; } } break; case 2: char ch2; cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 3528" ; pkms=3528; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"chandigarh"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch2; if(ch2=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch2=='n') { break; } } break; case 3: char ch3; cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 1967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"shimla"); ++seatno[sno][trainno]; if(seatno[sno][trainno]>50) { cout<<"No more seats available!!!"; cout<<"\n We can reserve tickets on basis of waiting list"; cout<<"\n Do you still want to reserve (y/n): "; cin>>ch3; if(ch3=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno[sno][trainno]); break; } if(ch3=='n') { break; } } break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } pfair = pkms * 0.75 ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,5) ; cout<<"************************************************************************" ; getch(); gotoxy(32,7) ; cout <<"NORTHERN RAILWAY" ; gotoxy(10,9) ; cout <<"SEAT NO. " <<seatno[sno][trainno]<<"\t\t\t\tDate : " <<d <<"/" <<m <<"/"<<y; gotoxy(10,10) ; cout <<"Train no. : " <<tno ; gotoxy(35,12) ; cout <<"From : " <<pfrom <<"\tTo : " <<pto ; gotoxy(35,13) ; cout <<"Kms. " <<pkms ; gotoxy(10,15) ; cout <<"Passenger name : " <<pname ; gotoxy(10,16) ; cout <<"Passenger age : " <<page <<"\t\tSex : " <<psex ; gotoxy(10,18) ; cout <<"Total Fair : " <<pfair ; gotoxy(5,20) ; cout <<"************************************************************************" ; cout <<"\n\n\n" ; do { cout <<"Do you want to save ticket (y/n) " ; cin >>ch ; } while (toupper(ch) != 'Y' && toupper(ch) != 'N') ; if (toupper(ch) == 'N') { --seatno[sno][trainno]; return ; } if(toupper(ch)== 'Y') { file.open("TICKET.DAT", ios::app|ios::binary) ; t.seat_no = seatno[sno][trainno] ; t.kms = pkms ; strcpy(t.name,pname) ; strcpy(t.tr_no,tno) ; strcpy(t.from,pfrom) ; strcpy(t.to,pto) ; t.sex = psex ; t.age = page ; t.fair = pfair ; t.dd = d ; t.mm = m ; t.yy = y ; file.write((char *) &t, sizeof(TICKET)) ; file.close() ; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: CANCELLATION() // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT CANCELS THE TICKET MADE AS SPECIFIED BY // THE USER //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET :: CANCELLATION() { clrscr() ; char tno[5] ; TRAIN train ; train.TRAIN_LIST() ;//calling of fn TRAIN_LIST() cout <<"\n\n Enter the train no. " ; cin >>tno ; if (!train.FOUND_TRAIN(tno))//calling of fn FOUND_TRAIN() { cout <<"\n\nTrain no. is invalid" ; getch() ; return ; } clrscr() ; int d1,m1,y1, d2,m2,y2, d3,m3,y3, d4,m4,y4 ; int d,m,y ; DATE dt ; dt.CURRENT_DATE() ;//calling of fn CURRENT_DATE() d1 = dt.day ; m1 = dt.month ; y1 = dt.year ; cout <<"1: " <<d1 <<"/" <<m1 <<"/" <<y1 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d1,m1,y1) ;//calling of fn EXTEND_DATE() d2 = dt.day ; m2 = dt.month ; y2 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t2: " <<d2 <<"/" <<m2 <<"/" <<y2 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d2,m2,y2) ; d3 = dt.day ; m3 = dt.month ; y3 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t3: " <<d3 <<"/" <<m3 <<"/" <<y3 ; dt.EXTEND_DATE(d3,m3,y3) ; d4 = dt.day ; m4 = dt.month ; y4 = dt.year ; cout <<"\t4: " <<d4 <<"/" <<m4 <<"/" <<y4 ; int sno=0 ; cout <<"\n\nEnter sno. of the date for Ticket Cancellation - " ; cin >>sno ; if (sno < 1 || sno > 4) { cout <<"\n\nInvalid data" ; getch() ; return ; } switch(sno) { case 1 : d = d1 ; m = m1 ; y = y1 ; break ; case 2 : d = d2 ; m = m2 ; y = y2 ; break ; case 3 : d = d3 ; m = m3 ; y = y3 ; break ; case 4 : d = d4 ; m = m4 ; y = y4 ; break ; default : break ; } int seatno=0; int found=0 ; char ch ; cout <<"\n\n Enter SEAT No. of the Ticket to be Cancelled : " ; cin >>seatno ; fstream file, temp ; file.open("TICKET.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; temp.open("TEMP.DAT", ios::out|ios::binary) ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) { if ((dd == d && mm == m && yy == y) && !strcmp(tr_no,tno) && seatno== seat_no) { found = 1 ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,5) ; cout <<"************************************************************************" ; gotoxy(32,7) ; cout <<"NORTHERN RAILWAY" ; gotoxy(10,9) ; cout <<"SEAT NO. " <<seat_no <<"\t\t\t\tDate : " <<dd <<"/" <<mm<<"/" <<yy ; gotoxy(10,10) ; cout <<"Train no. : " <<tr_no ; gotoxy(35,12) ; cout <<"From : " <<from <<"\tTo : " <<to ; gotoxy(35,13) ; cout <<"Kms. " <<kms ; gotoxy(10,15) ; cout <<"Passenger name : " <<name ; gotoxy(10,16) ; cout <<"Passenger age : " <<age <<"\t\tSex : " <<sex ; gotoxy(10,18) ; cout <<"Total Fair : " <<fair ; gotoxy(5,20) ; cout <<"************************************************************************" ; do { gotoxy(1,25) ; //clreol() ; cout <<"Do you want to Cancel ticket (y/n) " ; cin >>ch ; } while (toupper(ch) != 'Y' && toupper(ch) != 'N') ; } else temp.write((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET)) ; } file.close() ; temp.close() ; if (!found) { cout <<"\n\n Ticket not found" ; getch() ; return ; } if (toupper(ch) == 'N') return ; file.open("TICKET.DAT",ios::out|ios::binary) ; temp.open("TEMP.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; while (temp.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) file.write((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET)) ; file.close() ; temp.close() ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION NAME: RESERVED_LIST() // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT DISPLAYS THE LIST OF RESERVED TICKETS //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET::RESERVED_LIST() { clrscr(); fstream file ; //opening file. file.open("TICKET.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; gotoxy(25,1) ; cout <<"RESERVED LIST OF THE PASSENGERS" ; gotoxy(25,2) ; cout <<"******************************" ; gotoxy(2,5) ; cout <<" SEAT NO. PASSENGER NAME FROM TO DATE TRAIN NO" ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout<<"*************************************************" ; int row=8, found=0 ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) { found = 1 ; gotoxy(4,row) ; cout <<seat_no ; gotoxy(15,row) ; cout <<name ; gotoxy(29,row) ; cout <<from ; gotoxy(38,row) ; cout <<to ; gotoxy(49,row) ; cout<<dd<<"/"<<mm<<"/"<<yy; gotoxy(65,row) ; cout<<tr_no; row++ ; if (row == 25) { getch() ; for (int i=8; i<=24; i++) { gotoxy(1,i) ; clreol() ; } row = 8 ; } } file.close() ; if (!found) { cout <<"\n\n\n\n\n No reservation in this category." ; getch() ; return ; } cout <<"\n\nPress any key to continue..." ; getch() ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION NAME: WAITING_REC(char *tno,int d,int m,int y // int pnr) // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT ENTERS RECORDS FOR WAITING LIST //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET::WAITING_REC(char *tno,int d,int m,int y,int seatno) { int d1,m1,y1, d2,m2,y2, d3,m3,y3, d4,m4,y4 ; DATE dt ; fstream file ; //opening file. file.open("WLIST.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) { if ((dd == d && mm == m && yy == y) && !strcmp(tr_no,tno)) seatno = seat_no ; } file.close() ; //closing of file. seatno++ ; char pname[26], psex, pfrom[15], pto[15], ch ; int pkms, page, pfair ; clrscr() ; cout <<"\n\n Enter name of passenger : " ; gets(pname) ; cout <<"\n Enter age : " ; cin >>page ; if (page <= 5) { cout <<"\n No ticket is required upto age of 5" ; getch() ; return ; } do { cout <<"\n Enter sex (M/F) : " ; cin >>psex ; } while (toupper(psex) != 'M' && toupper(psex) != 'F') ; int x; if(strcmp(tno,"2021")==0) { cout<<"\t DELHI-MUMBAI EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO MUMBAI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO JAIPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO GWALIOR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 10000" ; pkms=10000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"mumbai"); break; case 2: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 3528" ; pkms=3528; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"jaipur"); break; case 3: cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 5967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"gwalior"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2023")==0) { cout<<"\t DELHI-ASSAM EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO DISPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO KANPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO JALPAIGUDI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 16000" ; pkms=16000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"dispur"); break; case 2: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 4566" ; pkms=4566; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"kanpur"); break; case 3: cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 8967" ; pkms=8967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"jalpaigudi"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2025")==0) { cout<<"\t DELHI-CHENNAI EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO CHENNAI"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO BHOPAL"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO HYDERABAD"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 12000" ; pkms=12000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"chennai"); break; case 2: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 6588" ; pkms=6588; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"bhopal"); break; case 3: cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 8967" ; pkms=8967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"hyderabad"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2027")==0) { cout<<"\t DELHI-KERALA EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO TRIVANDRUM"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO NAGPUR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO BHOPAL"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 20000" ; pkms=20000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"trivandrum"); break; case 2: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 6789" ; pkms=6789; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"nagpur"); break; case 3: cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 5967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"bhopal"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } if(strcmp(tno,"2029")==0) { cout<<"\t DELHI-JAMMU EXPRESS"<<endl; cout<<"\t MAIN MENU"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 1 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO SRINAGAR"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 2 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO CHANDIGARH"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER 3 TO TRAVEL FROM DELHI TO SHIMLA"<<endl; cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 5890" ; pkms=10000; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"srinagar"); break; case 2: cout <<"\n No. of Kms. : 3528" ; pkms=3528; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"chandigarh"); break; case 3: cout<<"\n No. of kms. : 1967" ; pkms=5967; strcpy(pfrom,"delhi"); strcpy(pto,"shimla"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice!!!"; } } pfair = pkms * 0.75 ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,5) ; cout <<"************************************************************************" ; gotoxy(32,7) ; cout <<"NORTHERN RAILWAY" ; gotoxy(10,9) ; cout <<"SEAT NO. " <<seatno<<"\t\t\t\tDate : " <<d <<"/" <<m <<"/"<<y ; gotoxy(10,10) ; cout <<"Train no. : " <<tno ; gotoxy(35,12) ; cout <<"From : " <<pfrom <<"\tTo : " <<pto ; gotoxy(35,13) ; cout <<"Kms. " <<pkms ; gotoxy(10,15) ; cout <<"Passenger name : " <<pname ; gotoxy(10,16) ; cout <<"Passenger age : " <<page <<"\t\tSex : " <<psex ; gotoxy(10,18) ; cout <<"Total Fair : " <<pfair ; gotoxy(5,20) ; cout <<"********************************************" ; cout <<"\n\n\n" ; do { cout <<"Do you want to save the ticket for waiting list(y/n): " ; cin >>ch ; } while (toupper(ch) != 'Y' && toupper(ch) != 'N') ; if (toupper(ch) == 'N') return ; if(toupper(ch)== 'Y') { file.open("WLIST.DAT", ios::app|ios::in) ; t.seat_no = seatno ; t.kms = pkms ; strcpy(t.name,pname) ; strcpy(t.tr_no,tno) ; strcpy(t.from,pfrom) ; strcpy(t.to,pto) ; t.sex = psex ; t.age = page ; t.fair = pfair ; t.dd = d ; t.mm = m ; t.yy = y ; file.write((char *) &t, sizeof(TICKET)) ; file.close() ; } char ans1; cout<<"Do you want to reserve more tickets(y/n): "; cin>>ans1; if(ans1=='y') { WAITING_REC(tno,d,m,y,seatno ); } if(ans1=='n') { return ; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: WAITING_LIST() // CLASS: TICKET // DETAILS: IT DISPLAYS THE WAITING LIST OF RESRVATIONS. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void TICKET :: WAITING_LIST() { clrscr(); fstream file ; file.open("WLIST.DAT", ios::in|ios::binary) ; gotoxy(25,1) ; cout <<"WAITING LIST OF THE PASSENGERS" ; gotoxy(25,2) ; cout <<"******************************" ; gotoxy(2,5) ; cout <<" SEAT NO. PASSENGER NAME FROM TO DATE TRAIN NO" ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout <<"******************************************************" ; int row=8, found=0 ; while (file.read((char *) this, sizeof(TICKET))) { found = 1 ; gotoxy(4,row) ; cout <<seat_no ; gotoxy(15,row) ; cout <<name ; gotoxy(29,row) ; cout <<from ; gotoxy(38,row) ; cout <<to ; gotoxy(49,row) ; cout<<dd<<"/"<<mm<<"/"<<yy; gotoxy(65,row) ; cout<<tr_no; row++ ; if (row == 25) { getch() ; for (int i=8; i<=24; i++) { gotoxy(1,i) ; clreol() ; } row = 8 ; } } file.close() ; if (!found) { cout <<"\n\n\n\n\n No reservation in this category." ; getch() ; return ; } cout <<"\n\nPress any key to continue..." ; getch() ; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // FUNCTION: MAIN() // DETAILS: STARTING OF MAIN PROGRAM. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void main() { TICKET ticket ; //object of TICKET class TRAIN train ; //object of TRAIN class train.ADDITION() ; //calling ADDITION() fn train.full(); //calling full() train.background(); //calling background() clrscr(); char ch, a=30, a1=31 ; while (1) { train.full(); //calling full() train.background(); //calling background() gotoxy(29,6) ; cout <<"** NORTHERN RAILWAY **" ; gotoxy(29,7) ; for (int i=1; i<=22; i++) { if (i%2) cout <<a ; else cout <<a1 ; } gotoxy(29,10) ; cout <<"1 :: TRAIN LIST" ; gotoxy(29,11) ; cout <<"2 :: RESERVATION" ; gotoxy(29,12) ; cout <<"3 :: CANCELLATION" ; gotoxy(29,13) ; cout <<"4 :: WAITING LIST" ; gotoxy(29,14); cout <<"5 :: RESERVED LIST"; gotoxy(29,15) ; cout <<"6 :: PASSENGER INFO." ; gotoxy(29,16) ; cout <<"7 :: QUIT" ; gotoxy(29,18) ; cout <<"Enter your choice :: " ; ch = getche() ; if (ch == 27 || ch == '7') break ; else if (ch == '1') { train.TRAIN_LIST() ; //calling TRAIN_LIST() gotoxy(1,25) ; cout <<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } else if (ch == '2') { ticket.RESERVATION() ; //calling RESERVATION() clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } else if (ch == '3') { ticket.CANCELLATION() ; //calling CANCELLATION() clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } else if (ch == '4') { ticket.WAITING_LIST() ; //calling WAITING_LIST() clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } else if(ch== '5') { ticket.RESERVED_LIST();//calling RESERVED_LIST() clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } else if (ch == '6') { ticket.PASS_INFO() ; //calling PASS_INFO() clrscr(); train.full(); train.background(); } } }
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