Air Ticting Management System Project
Air Ticting Management System Project

A few years back almost all the work relating Airlines was done manually and it was out of people’s thought to think for software that could do every work as required and desired by the human being. Now a day with the help of software, every work what so ever, can be done by sitting at the chair by giving genuine and correct command to computer. No area has been left untouched with its scope.
Out of so many areas through this project this is our effort to perform Airlines transaction effectively at low cost of manpower along with speed, accuracy and timely information and also providing excellent customer service with the help of this technology.
This software will provide important aspects like know the airlines number, ticket confirmation, ticket cancelaton, and any editing etc at a single keystroke away.
Any person can know the passenger record by giving his particulars. When he is booked, ticket number, and name is automatically being registered by the computer.
From the above statement it is very clear how this project can save manpower, time, money and that too in a very effective and efficient way providing an excellent customer service.
Air-Ticket Reservation System provides automated and semi-automated support for the generation of Online Air-ticket reservation. Air-ticket Reservation combines various fields, tables from the database and options selected by the user according his requirements.
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Contact Here for This Online College Project WhatsApp number - 9999595223. Price for this project is 300 with Documentation.
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