C Program to Find Area of Rectangle


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Find Area of Rectangle Program in C

Area of a rectangle is the amount of space occupied by the rectangle. A rectangle can be defined as the plain figure with two adjacent sides equal in length. The 4 angles present in the rectangle are also equal. A rectangle can be divided into 4 similar square. The measurement of each interior angle in a rectangle is 90 degrees.

For calculate area and parameter of rectangle you need length and breath of rectangle and apply below formula;


Area of Rectangle = length*breath;
Parameter of Rectangle = 2*(length+breath);
c program to find area of rectange

program to find area of rectangle


void main()
int length,breath,area_rec=0,parameter=0;
printf("Enter Length and Breath of Rectangle: ");
printf("\nArea of Ractangle: %d",area_rec);
printf("\nParameters of Rectangle: %d",parameter);


Enter Length and Breath of Rectangle: 5 4
Area of Rectangle: 20
Parameters of Ractangle: 18

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