Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal in C
Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal Program in C
In this types of program we takes a Hexadecimal number as input and converts it into Decimal number. To convert Hexadecimal to Decimal number first accept Hexadecimal as a input then convert into equivalent Decimal number
Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal in C
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<math.h> void main() { char hex[32]={0}; int dec,i; int cnt; /*for power index*/ int dig; /*to store digit*/ clrscr(); printf("Please Enter any Hexadecimal Number: "); gets(hex); cnt=0; dec=0; for(i=(strlen(hex)-1);i>=0;i--) { switch(hex[i]) { case 'A': dig=10; break; case 'B': dig=11; break; case 'C': dig=12; break; case 'D': dig=13; break; case 'E': dig=14; break; case 'F': dig=15; break; default: dig=hex[i]-0x30; } dec= dec+ (dig)*pow((double)16,(double)cnt); cnt++; } printf("Equivalent Decimal Value is: %d",dec); getch(); }
Output 1
Please Enter any Hexadecimal Number: E1 Equivalent Decimal Value is: 225
Output 1
Please Enter any Hexadecimal Number: AD3 Equivalent Decimal Value is: 2771
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