Array in JSON


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Array in JSON

In JSON array are declare inside square brackets. Some like JavaScript, a JSON array can contain multiple objects.


    {"firstName":"Komal", "lastName":"Pandit"}, 
    {"firstName":"Ajay", "lastName":"Jain"}, 

In the example above, the object "employees" is an array containing three objects. Each object is a record of a person (with a first name and a last name).

Declare array in JSon


var employees = [
    {"firstName":"Komal", "lastName":"Pandit"}, 
    {"firstName":"Ajay", "lastName":"Jain"}, 

Access Data for array in JSON

First way

employees[0].firstName + " " + employees[0].lastName;
// returns Komal Pandit

Second Way

employees[0]["firstName"] + " " + employees[0]["lastName"];
// returns Komal Pandit

Modify Data of array in JSON

First way

employees[0].firstName = "Kajol";

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