Applications of C
Applications of C
Mainly C Language is used for Develop Desktop application and system software. Some application of C language are given below.

- C programming language can be used to design the system software like operating system and Compiler.
- To develop application software like database and spread sheets.
- For Develop Graphical related application like computer and mobile games.
- To evaluate any kind of mathematical equation use c language.
- C programming language can be used to design the compilers.
- UNIX Kernal is completely developed in C Language.
- For Creating Compilers of different Languages which can take input from other language and convert it into lower level machine dependent language.
- C programming language can be used to design Operating System.
- C programming language can be used to design Network Devices.
- To design GUI Applications. Adobe Photoshop, one of the most popularly used photo editors since olden times, was created with the help of C.
C is best used for
- Systems that require fast and direct access to hardware
- Systems with limited resources (like memory)
- Systems where performance is the most important attribute
- Some examples are BIOSes, Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Real-time systems
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