C++ Keywords
Keywords in C++
Keyword is a predefined or reserved word in C++ library with a fixed meaning and used to perform an internal operation. C++ Language supports more than 64 keywords.
Keywords are those words whose meaning is already defined by Compiler. These keywords cannot be used as an identifier. Note that keywords are the collection of reserved words and predefined identifiers. Predefined identifiers are identifiers that are defined by the compiler but can be changed in meaning by the user.
Every Keyword exists in lower case latter like auto, break, case, const, continue, int etc.

32 Keywords in C++ Language which is also available in C language.
auto | double | int | struct |
break | else | long | switch |
case | enum | register | typedef |
char | extern | return | union |
const | float | short | unsigned |
continue | for | signed | void |
default | goto | sizeof | volatile |
do | if | static | while |
Another 30 reserved words that were not in C, these are new to C++
asm | dynamic_cast | namespace | reinterpret_cast |
bool | explicit | new | static_cast |
catch | false | operator | template |
class | friend | private | this |
const_cast | inline | public | throw |
delete | mutable | protected | true |
try | typeid | typename | using |
using | virtual | wchar_t |
Note: you can not use these keyword for variable and not overload.
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