Features of Ajax
Features of Ajax
Ajax is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Asynchronous means that the user need not wait until the server replies. It is a combination of different technologies like JavaScript, DOM, XML, HTML, CSS etc, used for building rich and responsive user interfaces. The main Feature of Ajax is it make web-page faster, ajax allow reload only important part of web-page not complete website or web-page.

Important Features of Ajax
- User Frendly
- It make web page faster.
- Independent of server technology.
- Increase the Performance of web page.
- Support for Live data binding
- Support for the Data View control
- Support for Client-side template rendering
- Rich and, responsive user interfaces
- Reduced consumption of server resources
- No need to pushing on a submit button and reloading the complete website.
- No need to reload the whole page only some part of page is reloaded which is required to reload.
- Apart from obtaining the XMLHTTP object, all processing is same for all browser types, because JavaScript is used.
- Using ajax develop faster and more interactive web applications.
- Not require to completely reload page due to this server use less bandwidth.
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