Difference Between Where and Having Clause in SQL
Difference Between Where and Having Clause in SQL
WHERE clause is used to filter out a set of records returned from a table. But HAVING clause is an external filters that works on top of a GROUP BY clause.
HAVING is used to check conditions after the aggregation takes place. It is used to filter values from a group.
SELECT SalesOrderID, SUM(UnitPrice * OrderQty) AS TotalPrice FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail GROUP BY SalesOrderID HAVING SalesOrderID > 50000
WHERE is used before the aggregation takes place. It is used is filter records from a result.
SELECT COUNT(SalesOrderID) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE UnitPrice > 200
The where clause works on row’s data, not on aggregated data. Let us consider below table 'Marks'.
Marks Table
Student Course Score a c1 40 a c2 50 b c3 60 d c1 70 e c2 80
Consider the query
SELECT Student, Score FROM Marks WHERE Score >=40
This would select a data row by row basis. The having clause works on aggregated data. For example, the output of below query
SELECT Student, SUM(score) AS total FROM Marks GROUP BY Student
Marks Table
Student Total a 90 b 60 d 70 e 80
When we apply having in the above query, we get
SELECT Student, SUM(score) AS total FROM Marks GROUP BY Student HAVING total > 70
Marks Table
Student Total a 90 e 80
Difference Between Where and Having Clause in SQL
Where Clause | Having Clause |
WHERE clause can be used with Select, Insert and Update statements | HAVING clause can only be used with the Select statement |
Aggregate functions cannot be used in the WHERE clause, unless it is in a sub query contained in a HAVING clause | Aggregate functions can be used in Having clause |
WHERE filters rows before aggregation (GROUPING) | HAVING filters groups, after the aggregations are performed |
Where Clause select rows before grouping | Having Clause select rows after grouing |
SELECT Column, AVG(Column_name)FROM Table_name WHERE Column > value GROUP BY Column_name |
SELECT Column, AVG(Column_name)FROM Table_name WHERE Column > value GROUP BY Column_name HAVING column_name>or |

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