Operators in Paython


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Operators in Python

Operators are the special symbol which is used with operands and generate output.

//Perform Floor division(gives integer value after division)
+Used for addition
-Used for subtraction
*Used for Multiplication
/Used for Dividion
%To return remainder
**Perform exponent(raise to power)
<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or equal to
>Greater than or equal to
==Equal to
!=not equal to
<>Not equal to(same like !=)
/=Divide and Assign
+=Add and assign
-=Subtract and Assign
*=Multiply and assign
%=Modulus and assign
**=Exponent and assign
//=Floor division and assign
andLogical AND(When both conditions are true output will be true)
orLogical OR (If any one condition is true output will be true)
notLogical NOT(Compliment the condition i.e., reverse)
inReturns true if a variable is in sequence of another variable, else false.
not inReturns true if a variable is not in sequence of another variable, else false.
isReturns true if identity of two operands are same, else false
is notReturns true if identity of two operands are not same, else false.

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