Structure of pl-sql program
Structure of pl-sql program
pl-sql program is very easy to write and execute, Here i will show you in very simple way. pl-sql program contains mainly four section, they are given below;
- Declare section
- Begin section
- Exception section
- End section
declare -------- 1 declaration variable; begin -------- 2 statement-1; .................... statement-n; exception -------- 3 exception handling statements end; -------- 4
- Declare section: In this section user declare all the variables, cursor declaration etc.
- Begin section: In this section, you need to declare all the executable statements, logical statements etc.
- Exception section: In this section you need to write all the exception handling statements, which is used to convert system defined error message into user friendly error message.
- End section: In this section represent end of the pl-sql program or block.
begin dbms_output.put_line("Hello word"); end;
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