Encapsulation in PHP
Encapsulation in PHP
It is a concept of wrapping up or binding up related data members and methods in a single module known as Encapsulation. Encapsulation refers to a concept where we encapsulate all the data and member functions together to form an object.
<?php class person { public $name; public $age; function __construct($n, $a) { $this->name=$n; $this->age=$a; } public function setAge($ag) { $this->ag=$ag; } public function display() { echo "welcome ".$this->name."
"; return $this->age-$this->ag; } } $person=new person("Gaurav",27); $person->setAge(20); echo "You are ".$person->display()." years old"; ?>
welcome Gaurav
You are 28 years old
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