Difference Between JSP and HTML
Difference Between JSP and HTML
Html is a Client side Technology and JSP is a Server side Technology. Some other differences are given below;
HTML | JSP | |
1 | Html is given by w3c (World Wide Web Consortium). | JSP is given by SunMicro System. |
2 | Html generated static web pages. | JSP generated dynamic web pages. |
3 | It do not allow to place java code inside Html pages. | JSP allows to place java code inside JSP pages. |
4 | It is Client side technology | It is a Server side technology. |
5 | Need Html Interpreter to execute these code. | Need JSP container to execute jsp code. |
6 | It does not allow to place custom tag or third party tag. | It allow to place custom tag or third party tag. |

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