Reverse Number Program in Java
Java Program to Reverse Number
Reverse number means reverse the position of all digits of any number. For example reverse of 839 is 938. For this program you need modulus operator concept and while loop, while loop is used for check condition and modulus used for find the remainder.

In this session we discuss about reverse any number suppose user enter 324 and we need to write code for this which give 423 as a output.
Reverse Number Program in Java
import java.util.Scanner; class Reverse { public static void main(String[] args) { int no,rev=0,r,a; Scanner s=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter any no.: "); no=s.nextInt(); a=no; while(no>0) { r=no%10; rev=rev*10+r; no=no/10; } System.out.println("Reverse: "+rev); } }
Enter any no. : 153 Reverse: 351
Syntax to compile and run java program
for compile -> c:/>javac for run -> c:/>java Reverse
Explanation of Code
- Scanner s=new Scanner( are used for receive input from keyboard.
- nextInt(): method are used for get integer type value from keyboard.
- System.out.println("....."): are used for display message on screen or console.
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