Linked List
Linked List in C
Linked list is a special type of data structure where all data elements are linked to one another. Linked list is the collection of nodes and every nodes contains two parts data part and address part.

Why use Linked List
Suppose you want ot store marks of 50 students, so need to write code like below;
int marks[50];
But some time you need to store more than 50 students marks, in that case you can not increase memory of array, and some time you need to store less than 50 students marks in this case extra memory will be wastage. To overcome this problem you need to use Linked List because in linked list memory will be created at run time.
Advantages of linked list
- Linked List is Dynamic data Structure.
- You can change size of Linked List during program run time.
- Insertion and Deletion Operations are Easier, you can insert any node at any place and also delete any node easily..
- No memory wastage ,i.e no need to pre-allocate memory
- Faster Access time,can be expanded in constant time without memory overhead
- You can easily implement Linear Data Structures such as Stack,Queue using Linked list
Advantages of linked list
- Dynamic Data Structure: The size of linked list increase and decrease during program execution.
- No memory wastage: In linked list memory will be allocated at the time of program execution so no memory wastage.
- Easily insert and delete data: In linked list you can insert any data at specific position and also delete any data from specific position.
Dis-Advantages of linked list
- Need more memory: For store data in linked list you need more memory space, you need memory space for both data and address part.
Real life example of Linked list
A common example of linked list is train, in this case all the buggies are nodes and two coaches are connected using the connectors, peoples seating arrangement inside the coaches is called as data part of linked list while connection between two buggies is address filed of linked list.

Like linked list, trains also have last coach which is not further connected to any of the buggies. Engine can be called as first node of linked list and last buggies are last node of linked list.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include "malloc.h" struct node { int data; struct node *link; }; void main() { int a=111,b=2,c=3,will,wish,num; char ch; struct node *ptr,*ptr2,*result,*temp; void add(struct node **,int ); struct node * search(struct node *); void display(struct node *); void invert(struct node *); void del(struct node *,int); struct node * concat(struct node *,struct node *); ptr=NULL; ptr2=NULL; result=NULL; //result for storing the result of concatenation clrscr(); will=1; while(will==1) { main: clrscr(); textcolor(2); gotoxy(10,4); cprintf("main Menu "); gotoxy(10,6); cprintf("1: Add element"); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("2. Delete element"); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("3. Search element"); gotoxy(10,12); cprintf("4: Linked List concatenation"); gotoxy(10,14); cprintf("5. Invert linked list"); gotoxy(10,16); cprintf("6. Display elements"); gotoxy(10,18); cprintf("7. Exit"); gotoxy(10,20); cprintf(" Please enter the choice : "); scanf("%d",&wish); switch(wish) { case 1: up: // gotoxy(10,24); printf(" "); // gotoxy(10,24); printf("\nEnter the element you want to add "); scanf("%d",&num); add(&ptr,num); display(ptr); break; case 2: printf("\nEnter the element to delete "); scanf("%d",&num); del(ptr,num); break; case 3: printf("\n Now demonstrating search "); temp = search(ptr); printf("\nAddress of first occurence is %u ",temp); break; case 4: /* Inputs given internally for demo only */ printf(" \nNow demonstrating linked list concatenation Press any key to continue..."); add(&ptr2,2); add(&ptr2,4); add(&ptr2,6); getch(); printf(" \n Displaying second Linked List "); display(ptr2); getch(); result = concat(ptr,ptr2); clrscr(); printf(" \nNow Displaying the result of concatenation"); display(result); getch(); break; case 5: printf("\n Inverting the list ... Press any key to continue..."); invert(ptr); break; case 6: display(ptr); break; case 7: exit(0); break; default: printf(" Illegal choice "); } //gotoxy(10,24); printf("\nDO you want to continue (Y/N) : "); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { goto up; } else { goto main; } //scanf("%d",&will); } //end of while } void add(struct node **q,int num) { struct node *temp; temp = *q; if(*q==NULL) { *q=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp = *q; } else { while((temp->link)!=NULL) { temp=temp->link; } temp->link = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp=temp->link; } temp->data = num; temp->link = NULL; } void display(struct node *pt) { while(pt!=NULL) { printf(" Data : %d",pt->data); printf(" Link : %d",pt->link); pt=pt->link; } } void invert(struct node *ptr) { struct node *p,*q,*r; p=ptr; q=NULL; while(p!=NULL) { r=q; q=p; p=p->link; q->link=r; } ptr = q; display(ptr); } // CONCATENATION OF LINKED LISTS struct node * concat(struct node *p,struct node *q) { struct node *x,*r; if (p==NULL) r=q; if (q==NULL) r=p; else { x=p; r=x; while(x->link!=NULL) x=x->link; x->link=q; } return(r); } // SEARCHING AN ELEMENT IN THE LINKED LIST // THIS FUNCTION FINDS THE FIRST OCCURENCE OF // A DATA AND RETURNS A POINTER TO ITS ADDRESS struct node * search(struct node *p) { struct node *temp; int num; temp = p; printf(" \n Enter the data that you want to search "); scanf("%d",&num); printf(" Link of temp %u", temp->link); while(temp->link!=NULL) { printf(" In while "); if(temp->data == num) return(temp); temp=temp->link; } return(NULL); } // DELETING DATA FROM THE LINKED LIST// void del(struct node *p,int num) { struct node *temp,*x; temp=p; x= NULL; while (temp->link !=NULL) { if(temp->data == num) { if (x==NULL) { p = temp->link; free(temp); return; } else { x->link = temp->link; free(temp); return; } } //end of outer if x=temp; temp=temp->link; } //end of while printf("\n No such entry to delete "); } //end of fn.