Difference Between CSS and CSS3


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Difference Between CSS and CSS3

CSS3 is the advance level of CSS2.0. In CSS3 we have new properties - border radius, box shadow, text shadow, multiple background images, gradient , animations, transition, transform and much more.

  • CSS3 is divided into many different documents called Modules. Every module adds new capability or extends features defined in CSS2 over preserving backward Compatibility.
  • Work on CSS3 started around the time of publication of the original CSS2 recommendation.
  • Because of the modularization in CSS3, every modules has different stability and is in different status.
  • CSS3 supported by all new browsers. The CSS3 version supports many more browsers than CSS2.
  • CSS3 has other added features such as new combinator, new CSS selectors, new pseudo- elements and new style properties.

New Features added in CSS3

  • New Combinator
  • New CSS Selectors
  • New Pseudo-elements
  • New Style properties

Combinator: New addition of General Sibling Combinator is done to match sibling elements of a given element through tilde (~) Combinator.

CSS Selectors: While CSS2 had 'simple selectors', the new version calls them the components as 'a sequence of simple selectors'.

Pseudo-Elements: Many Pseudo Elements have been added that allow in-depth yet easy styling and a new convention of double colons '::' has been introduced.

New Background Style Properties :Multiple Background images can be layered in the box using different elements like background image, position and repeat. Background-clip, origin, size and style properties have been added.

Border Style: Styling of borders has been extended to images and rounded designs which includes creating image of the borders and then automatically apply image to the borders through CSS. Border-radius, image-source, image-slice, and the values for width outset and stretch have been added in CSS3.

Browser supported


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