Properties Files in Java
Properties Files in Collection Framework
A property file is one type of the file which organizing the data in the form of (key, value) pair. A property file is a text file which is to be created in any editors like-notepad, Editpuls and etc. Property file should be saved on same file name with on extension .prop or .rbf.
Properties Files Important points
- A property file is a text file which is to be created in any editors like-notepad, Editpuls and etc.
- Property file should be saved on same file name with on extension .prop or .rbf.
- Properties class object organizes the data in the form of (key, value) pair and it displays in the same order in whichever order it is added.
- Property file always resides in secondary memory.
It is one of the pre-defined sub-class of Hashtable class, so that all the methods of Hashtable are inherited into properties class. Creating Properties is nothing but creating an object of properties class.
Properties p=new Properties(); // Here p resides in heap memory.
Advantages of Properties class over Hashtable class
- Properties class object is able to read the data from properties/resource bundle file.
- Properties class always makes us to develop flexible application.
Constructor and Method of Properties class
Constructor | perporties() |
methods | public void load(FileInputStream); public String get Property(String); |
Constructor of properties class is used for creating an object of properties class.
Properties p=new Properties();
public void load(FileInputStream); is used for loading the content of property file ito properties class object by opening the properties file in read mode with the help of FileInputStream class.
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("student properties"); p.load(fis);
public String get Property(String); is used for obtaining the value of value by passing the key.

String sno=p.getProperty("stno"); String sname=p.getProperty("sname"); String marks=p.getProperty("marks");

Example of properties file
import java.util.*; import*; class Prop { public static void main(String []args) { try { Scanner s=new Scanner(; System.out.pritnln("Enter the property file name"); String pfile=s.nextLine(); FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(); Properties p=new Properties(); p.load(fis); String sno=p.getProperty(); String sname=p.getProperty(); String marks=p.getProperty(); System.out.println("student number="+sno); System.out.println("student name="+sname); System.out.println("student marks="+marks); fis.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException fe) { System.out.println("properties file does not exists"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } }